Elevate Your Forum Experience

Jacqueline Widmer working at her desk and smiling at the person she's meeting with online

Members consistently rate Forum as the most rewarding and valuable experience of their YPO membership.

Young Presidents’ Organization is the world’s largest organization of chief executives and business leaders with over 30,000 members globally.

As a Certified YPO Forum Facilitator (CFF) since 2022, I work with Chapters throughout the EMEA region to deliver high impact Forum trainings and facilitate retreats that strengthen connections, challenge the status quo, and help members uncover aspects of themselves that they were previously unaware of.

Forum Workshops

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Forum Fundamentals

An introductory workshop to learn about YPO Forum and experience first-hand what Forum can bring you.

Who is it for?

  • YPO members who need to complete a Forum training before joining their first Forum
  • Seasoned YPO members who want to refresh their Forum knowledge

What is the format of the workshop?

  • A full day to learn first-hand what makes YPO Forum unique and experience the power of Forum conversations for yourself.

What is covered?

  • Immerse yourself in the mindset of Forum.
  • Learn about key aspects necessary to Forum success.
  • Share experiences and learn from others in an authentic, supportive and open-minded manner.
  • Understand the value of Forum for your professional and your private life.

In this highly interactive and experiential workshop, new YPO members, spouses/partners, and YNGs are introduced to the central principles that guide member interactions in YPO and make Forum one of the most highly-rated experiences of the membership.

Participants learn how and why the concept of confidentiality is at the core of everything in YPO, discover the impact of group sharing and self-curiosity to create opportunities for learning and self-growth.

The workshop includes the Four-Step Exploration Model, an innovative approach to Forum work that encourages self-curiosity and leads to greater return for all Forum participants. It is a great opportunity for YPO Chapters to train new members or launch new Forums.

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Forum Moderator Leadership Development

A skill-building workshop for members who plan to step up to a Forum Leadership role.

Who is it for?

YPO members who will take on the Forum Moderator or Assistant Moderator role

What is the format of the workshop?

A full day to prepare yourself to:

  • lead and serve your Forum,
  • exchange with peers around frequent Forum questions, and
  • gain skills to ensure Forum growth and value for all participants.

What is covered?

  • Learn about the six critical areas of best practice that will help you to become a successful Forum Moderator.
  • Gain skills to handle challenging situations and personalities in a constructive and fair manner.
  • Exchange with peers around issues frequently encountered by Forum Moderators.
  • Identify potential areas for Forum improvement and growth.
  • Develop a tailored set of goals and actions to improve your Forum experience.

The Moderator plays a key role in the functioning of every Forum. This workshop aims to provide Forum Moderators with the tools, techniques and insights that will help them to become better Moderators and address a variety of issues that can come up in Forums. Moderators will compose their Forum leadership vision and create an action plan for their Forum.

This workshop is a prerequisite for all incoming Moderators, but also serves as a useful refresher to existing Moderators who learn about best practices from their peers and gain advanced facilitation and leadership skills.

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people making progress together icon

Forum SuperCharge

A personalized workshop to elevate your Forum experience and troubleshoot areas of stagnation and decline.

Who is it for?

Sometimes Forums develop issues that hinder the smooth functioning of the group and need special attention. Or Forums simply decide they will benefit from revitalization and making sure that Forum value continues to be high for all members.

Forum SuperCharge is also an excellent tool for navigating the departure of honored members and integrating new members into the Forum.

It is recommended that each Forum undergo Forum SuperCharge every two years.

What is the format of the workshop?

This is a personalized workshop to bring even more value to your Forum experience and to troubleshoot areas of stagnation or decline. I will work with you to assess challenges and areas of growth within your Forum.

Based on my assessment, I will typically design an 8-hour SuperCharge program to improve the performance and the value of your Forum.

What is covered?

I will tailor the content of the workshop according to the needs of your Forum, whether it is:

  • promoting the integration of a new member,
  • bringing the conversation to the next level,
  • troubleshooting communication difficulties or
  • clarifying your Forum vision, mission and value.
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Forum Workshops

Who is it for?

  • YPO members who need to complete a Forum training before joining their first Forum
  • Seasoned YPO members who want to refresh their Forum knowledge

What is the format of the workshop?

  • A full day to learn first-hand what makes YPO Forum unique and experience the power of Forum conversations for yourself.

What is covered?

  • Immerse yourself in the mindset of Forum.
  • Learn about key aspects necessary to Forum success.
  • Share experiences and learn from others in an authentic, supportive and open-minded manner.
  • Understand the value of Forum for your professional and your private life.

In this highly interactive and experiential workshop, new YPO members, spouses/partners, and YNGs are introduced to the central principles that guide member interactions in YPO and make Forum one of the most highly-rated experiences of the membership.

Participants learn how and why the concept of confidentiality is at the core of everything in YPO, discover the impact of group sharing and self-curiosity to create opportunities for learning and self-growth.

The workshop includes the Four-Step Exploration Model, an innovative approach to Forum work that encourages self-curiosity and leads to greater return for all Forum participants. It is a great opportunity for YPO Chapters to train new members or launch new Forums.

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Who is it for?

YPO members who will take on the Forum Moderator or Assistant Moderator role

What is the format of the workshop?

A full day to prepare yourself to:

  • lead and serve your Forum,
  • exchange with peers around frequent Forum questions, and
  • gain skills to ensure Forum growth and value for all participants.

What is covered?

  • Learn about the six critical areas of best practice that will help you to become a successful Forum Moderator.
  • Gain skills to handle challenging situations and personalities in a constructive and fair manner.
  • Exchange with peers around issues frequently encountered by Forum Moderators.
  • Identify potential areas for Forum improvement and growth.
  • Develop a tailored set of goals and actions to improve your Forum experience.

The Moderator plays a key role in the functioning of every Forum. This workshop aims to provide Forum Moderators with the tools, techniques and insights that will help them to become better Moderators and address a variety of issues that can come up in Forums. Moderators will compose their Forum leadership vision and create an action plan for their Forum.

This workshop is a prerequisite for all incoming Moderators, but also serves as a useful refresher to existing Moderators who learn about best practices from their peers and gain advanced facilitation and leadership skills.

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Who is it for?

Sometimes Forums develop issues that hinder the smooth functioning of the group and need special attention. Or Forums simply decide they will benefit from revitalization and making sure that Forum value continues to be high for all members.

Forum SuperCharge is also an excellent tool for navigating the departure of honored members and integrating new members into the Forum.

It is recommended that each Forum undergo Forum SuperCharge every two years.

What is the format of the workshop?

This is a personalized workshop to bring even more value to your Forum experience and to troubleshoot areas of stagnation or decline. I will work with you to assess challenges and areas of growth within your Forum.

Based on my assessment, I will typically design an 8-hour SuperCharge program to improve the performance and the value of your Forum.

What is covered?

I will tailor the content of the workshop according to the needs of your Forum, whether it is:

  • promoting the integration of a new member,
  • bringing the conversation to the next level,
  • troubleshooting communication difficulties or
  • clarifying your Forum vision, mission and value.
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Forum Retreats

Forum retreats represent unique opportunity to take a time-out from the daily grind and immerse yourself in meaningful discussions with your Forum on topics that resonate deeply with you.

I am happy to work with you on developing a customized agenda for your retreat. I always aim to deliver high impact retreats where you get to have fun, deepen your understanding of one another, discover something new about yourself, and leave with clear and applicable take-home action points.

Below are some examples of retreats I facilitate:

group of business professionals sitting in a circle and discussing

Who is it for? Member, Spouse/Partner, and YNG Forums

If you had to make one life choice that could set you on the path to future health and happiness, what would it be? How would you ensure that when you near the end of your life and look back, you would feel that you’ve lived a good life?

Hundreds of scientific studies show it:  Among the many predictors of health and happiness, from good diet to exercise to level of income, a life of good relationships stands out as one of the most important factors in determining your quality of life.

Each one of us is the common denominator of our relationship patterns. By slowing down, taking a good look at what we long for, how we get triggered, what our signature defensive moves are, and where we usually get stuck, we can elevate our relationship game both at work and at home.

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Who is it for? Couple Forums

Just like you would not want to leave your business growth to chance, there are important leadership skills that you absolutely should bring home.

Successful business leaders are skilled at setting goals and maintaining their focus to achieve them. They review their business strategy as needed to pivot with agility in a changing landscape. A clear roadmap is essential to drive business growth. Why not apply the same principles to your relationship?

This retreat is specially designed for couples who want to get the most out of their relationship.

Over the course of two days, we utilize a proven business approach to your relationship to help you and your partner clarify your vision and mission, define the steps you need to undertake to achieve your relationship goals, get a deeper sense of the drivers that energize you and your partner, as well as a greater awareness of the blocks that can limit your success.

You will leave with a clear roadmap to make your relationship stronger, more resilient, more fulfilling, and more agile.

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Who is it for? Member, Spouse/Partner, and YNG Forums

The pervasive use of technology and novel communication have made the old distinction between work time and personal time much more complex to navigate. Modern life involves overlapping roles and responsibilities and few of us can create a strict separation between our work time and our personal lives.

Rather, we need to find a rhythm that works for us, even if it means integrating work tasks into personal time or vice versa.

During this retreat, I invite you to reflect on your current work-life blend. How do you navigate the time and focus needed for the important aspects of your life? Is it possible to integrate your professional and personal life in a way that allows for a more harmonious and balanced lifestyle?

Find out ways to achieve a more fluid and adaptable approach to managing your professional and personal life and achieve a greater sense of satisfaction and well-being in both domains.

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Who is it for? Member, Spouse/Partner, and YNG Forums

We think we know ourselves and the way we come across to others, but we all have blind spots.

Others appear to see us differently than we see ourselves. When they describe us – to us – the person they are describing may bear only vague resemblance to the person that we know from the inside out. We cringe, we squirm, we shake our heads and, often, we dismiss the feedback as flawed and inaccurate.

Use the power of Forum to unlock the third Johari quadrant: Blind Spots. Engage in deeply transformative work together with your Forum, discover how others hear you speak, see your presence, notice your behaviors.

Lean into your Forum to learn how your blind spots can get in your own way. Process and incorporate this into a new vision of yourself that will help you to become a more coherent and self-aware leader and partner.

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Who is it for? Couple Forums

Crisis is a relationship accelerator. When two people meet during a crisis, falling in love and intimacy happen faster, while in struggling partnerships conflicts accelerate and relationships disintegrate more rapidly. Whether it is because you are managing a crisis at work or health issues plague your family, bad news have the potential to make or break your couple much more powerfully than anything else.

Based on the latest neuroscientific findings, this workshop will give you a clearer understanding of what the ripple effects of a crisis can be on your emotional wellbeing and your relationship.

Through a series of teaching moments and playful exercises, you will become more aware of your individual “conflict styles”, you will discover and reaffirm the strengths of your couple, and you will become more attentive and learn to respond differently to the challenging interactions that conflict and crisis can provoke.

This is a workshop that will give you the opportunity to reconnect and grow together as a couple in a safe and playful setting, no matter how many years you have actually known each other. Please note that your privacy will be respected at all times and you will never be asked to share anything with the rest of the group.

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PartnerPower Gets Results

, YPO Europe One member

Jacqueline is a first rate moderator who brings a sense of intimacy and vulnerability into the forum from the very beginning. Her tone is genuine and she sets the bar high in terms of the standards of what is shared. She does all of that while not taking her eye of the mark in terms of making the group bond and leave the session with a deeper sense of insight about themselves and each other. I would highly recommend Jacqueline to any group who is struggling to go beyond surface emotion and unlock a deeper level of connectedness.

Yagos V., YPO Member

She really helped me to understand how my feelings affect my decision making. It was shocking to see how people were ready to open themselves in such an authentic level when they feel that they are in a safe and secure environment. Thank you Jacqueline!

Carla M., YNG Member

She made me feel extremely comfortable, heard and supported during the experience. She had planned the perfect exercises to truly go deeper into ourselves, and that helped in creating the brave space for us to talk, connect, express ourselves and direct the Forum. Truly loved the experience!

Alex Z., YNG Member

By the time we finished our Forum retreat, her impact was more than obvious. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that our Forum grew deeper during and after the session, and we now have tools at our disposal to continue growing in a meaningful way.

Alexia B., YPO Spouse

No matter how experienced you are with Forum, you always need to have a Forum “refresher” every now and then. Jacqueline was extremely well prepared and was able to engage the whole group with an amazing calmness and dedication.

Dima S., YPO Member

Jacqueline is an amazing facilitator. She managed to grasp everyone’s attention from the very beginning all the way to the end of the session while maintaining ground rules and making the overall session a safe environment to open up, fun to engage and eagerness to share more.

company members smiling and giving a thumbs up

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