Strengthen your connection
to the key people that support you.

Find out about your relational strengths.

Take the Relational Leadership Quiz

Relational skills are key to leadership success.

Relationships play a pivotal role in any organization. What makes business issues problematic is often not the commercial or strategic aspects, but the relational issues that compound them. Personal differences in the values, motivations, and needs of different partners or managers can present obstacles that most managerial approaches do not cover.

Leadership is not a title. It is about relationships.

So how do successful leaders foster trust, collaboration and open communication within their organization? In a volatile, uncertain, and complex world, relational leadership, focused on interpersonal dynamics, emotional intelligence, and the nurturing of positive relationships has emerged as one of the key factors to achieve organizational goals.

Meet Jacqueline Widmer, Psy.D

Neuroscience tells us how to achieve peak performance.
In ourselves and in our teams.

When team members lack connection or feel unsafe at work, when they are afraid to fail, when they feel that their ideas or needs are not being heard, the threat system in their brain is activated, releasing stress chemicals such as cortisol and adrenaline. These chemicals impair our cognitive abilities and literally make work feel much harder.

One powerful antidote is creating safe connections between leaders and their teams, and between team members.

As human beings, we are social animals, hardwired to seek and maintain relationships with others. When this need is met, we feel psychologically safe and our cognitive abilities – such as memory, learning, creativity, and problem solving – can reach peak performance.

Relational leadership has nothing to do with being excessively protective or indulgent with team members. It has everything to do with fostering the conditions necessary for team members to be at their best.

What can PartnerPower do for you?

Relational Leadership Coaching

If you’re wondering whether Relational Leadership coaching is for you, let's discuss the possibilities in a discovery call.

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PartnerPower Gets Results

, YPO Europe One member

Jacqueline is a first rate moderator who brings a sense of intimacy and vulnerability into the forum from the very beginning. Her tone is genuine and she sets the bar high in terms of the standards of what is shared. She does all of that while not taking her eye of the mark in terms of making the group bond and leave the session with a deeper sense of insight about themselves and each other. I would highly recommend Jacqueline to any group who is struggling to go beyond surface emotion and unlock a deeper level of connectedness.

Yagos V., YPO Member

She really helped me to understand how my feelings affect my decision making. It was shocking to see how people were ready to open themselves in such an authentic level when they feel that they are in a safe and secure environment. Thank you Jacqueline!

Carla M., YNG Member

She made me feel extremely comfortable, heard and supported during the experience. She had planned the perfect exercises to truly go deeper into ourselves, and that helped in creating the brave space for us to talk, connect, express ourselves and direct the Forum. Truly loved the experience!

Alex Z., YNG Member

By the time we finished our Forum retreat, her impact was more than obvious. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that our Forum grew deeper during and after the session, and we now have tools at our disposal to continue growing in a meaningful way.

Alexia B., YPO Spouse

No matter how experienced you are with Forum, you always need to have a Forum “refresher” every now and then. Jacqueline was extremely well prepared and was able to engage the whole group with an amazing calmness and dedication.

Dima S., YPO Member

Jacqueline is an amazing facilitator. She managed to grasp everyone’s attention from the very beginning all the way to the end of the session while maintaining ground rules and making the overall session a safe environment to open up, fun to engage and eagerness to share more.

company members smiling and giving a thumbs up

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